About forum

CGI.br promotes the Brazilian Internet Forum aiming at bringing together participants from the government, business, academia, civil society organizations, technicians, students and all those interested and those involved in the discussions and issues regarding the Internet in Brazil and worldwide. The Forum is therefore an open opportunity and an invitation to discuss the current and future challenges of the Internet as a whole.

Maintaining and deepening the multi-stakeholder and multilateral model of the Brazilian Internet governance, CGI.br encourages the representatives of its sectors to monitor and express their views on issues and possible consensual solutions for the consolidation and expansion of a diverse, universal, innovative Internet in Brazil that espouses freedom, human rights and privacy as stated by its Principles for the Governance and the Use of the Internet.

Note in the agenda

VI Fórum da Internet no Brasil (pré-IGF Brasileiro)
July, 11th to 13th, 2016
Centro de Convenções da Fiergs
Av. Assis Brasil, 8787
Porto Alegre - RS